Having completed the first two themes, Litter & Waste Management, followed by Energy, we now started looking at Water Conservation.
- We want to reduce the amount of water we use daily by taking a weekly
#record and then a monthly recording and finally a yearly record.
- We want a new Green Schools motto for our Water saving flag.
- We must not forget to keep our school litter-free. The litter in this school is
#building up again!
- We would like to organise a litter clean up. The date and time has not been
#finalised yet.
- We want the classes to make Green Schools posters to remind students
#about all three Green Schools flags.
- We want to promote awareness of ‘green’ issues among the school
#population and wider community.
- We must not forget our Energy flag. Always turn off lights, computers etc
#when not used.
- We can always do our work at home like turn taps off. I hope you know that if
you keep the tap on you will waste 500 litres of perfectly good water.
- Don’t use the hose. Use a bucket instead.
- This is how you can save water at home and at school.
At our committee meeting on 10th Dec 2008 we decided on the following Action Plan:
- Daniel and Hakeem to count taps, toilets and the basins in the school.
- Brendan and Conor to record the school water meter reading daily.
- Evan and Karl to find out where our water comes from and goes.
- Adam and Jack to measure sizes of the cistern.
- Evan, Adam, Karl and Hakeem to maintain Green School page on web site.
- Everyone has to design a poster for the Green Schools Water Code.
- Adam and Keelan investigate water saving tips and carry out a home survey
- Large reduction in water usage since 30th January when three major things
#were put in place.
- Water Hippos installed in each cistern in the school.
- Automatic Flush switched off at night and at weekends in main school
- Leaking tap in Room 1 repaired.
- Daily water use reduced from 4,000 litres per day to 3,000 litres, 25%
#reduction (1000/4000).
- Weekend water use reduced from 10,000 litres per day to 6,000 litres, 40%
#reduction (4000/10000).
- Still room for more water reduction, especially at the weekends.
On the 23rd of April 2009, members of Offaly County Council came to the school on behalf of Green Schools Ireland to award us our 3rd Green Schools Flag. We would like to express our gratitude on behalf of the Green School Committee to Mr. Foran, Miss. Dolan, Miss McMahon, the residents of Gilroy Avenue, all of the people who helped and a sincere thanks to Mrs. Tulie Daly and Ger the caretaker of our school, Edenderry B.N.S.
Our third Green School Flag was formally raised on Thurs 18 June by two of our most famous past pupils; Ian Delamere and Fr Liam Lawton. This was thew culmination of a year's hard work. Roll on number four!