The Green School programme is run by An Taisce to raise the awareness and care of the environment among school children and thereby the wider community.
This great venture we find ourselves on started way back in 2004 when we applied for our first Green Flag. We are now in the process of working towards our sixth!
The Green-Schools programme is based on seven steps. These steps are outlined in the chart below.

One of the key success factors of the Green-Schools programme is that it is a themed programme. That is, schools undertaking the programme work through the seven steps one theme at a time. The themes in sequence are:
1. Litter & Waste
2. Energy
3. Water
4. Travel (Walking) and Travel (Cycling)
5. Biodiversity
We are proud to have been awarded to date, and are currently working on the our sixth flag, on the theme of Global Citizenship.
Click on the links (or buttons) above to read more about what we did on each theme.